Bare Bottom See-Sore

Punishment Park See-Sore Bare Bottom Version

Bare Bottom See-Sore, from Punishment Park. Redrawn series. Mr & Mrs. Kanes decide to take the girls back to the dreaded See-Sore. Restrained and bottoms bared. Mr. Kanes had already asked why they were using Rattan School Canes to operate the mechanism. She smiled back. Telling him that paddles would be easier to make the See-Sore go down. However, it was more fun with the cane. She loved the sound Also the nice red welts on the girl’s bottoms looked great. The screams from the poor young teens were just a bonus. They both laughed

Bare Bottom See-Sore fun and games with canes

Red Bottoms & Stinging Canes

Strapped down and unable to move. The kinky couple took turns in bringing the canes down on their little bare cheeks. Having already played this naughty game before. Last time they were allowed to wear leather shorts. This took away a lot of the sting. This time, no protection. Red hot stinging welts appeared from the start. The girls screamed out loud. The couple swatted their bare bottoms with the canes. Hard enough to get the See-Sore to tilt.

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Punishment Park caning on the Bare Bottom See-Sore

Bare Bottom See-Sore Broken Scoreboard

Mr & Mrs. Kanes carried on whipping down the stinging rattan canes. Even though the electronics on the scoreboard had gone wrong. It was just as much fun caning those little bare bottoms. Unable to move and wriggle. The targets were perfect. This was much more interesting than with leather shorts on. Protecting them. This soon attracted a few others.

The broken machine and the girls are already in position. Two girls grabbed a couple of wooden paddles and asked if they could have a go. Mr & Mrs. Kanes just stood to one side, watching. Explaining that the ride at Punishment Park was nothing to do with them. The girls were already restrained and warmed up. So the Scraeground continued.

Naughty fun and games with the Bare Bottom See-Sore at Punishment Park 2nd Gen

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