The Best Of The 6

Six of the best normally refers to the number of strokes of the cane. This lineup of schoolgirls already with stinging bottoms from the over-the-knee spanking they have just had for using their cellphones in class is getting a nice video made to remind them that they should pay more attention in class instead of what’s on social media. However, there seems to be some interest between the teacher and the girl holding her smartphone. I wonder if she finds this amusing or she has a thing for the teacher. what do you think?

The Best of the Six Receive Six of the Best

The girls will be getting a good long caning. This will be available in many other sets of artwork. Also a good hard session with paddles and other implements. If you look at the expression on some of their faces. You may notice that they are not opposed to this form of punishment. Some may even enjoy it. Especially the teacher. Who most certainly liked to spank the girl’s bottoms as well as receive a good hard caning and spanking as well.

The Best Of The Six Schoolgirl Spanking

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The teacher looks like she’s enjoying her afternoon’s work on these schoolgirl bottoms….one more to go after this …….

Bare bottom schoolgirl spanking

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