Red Hot Bottom Christmas Updates
Here we go, happy Christmas to all of you
Christmas Updates. The Spankys Shopfront now has a window display with a spanking Santa with an OTK mannequin. Another, ent over rocking horse for a caning. A cane bucket is on display showing the sale prices. Snow is falling and there is a hint of a chill in the air. Inside the shop, there is a paddling demo going on to warm up the bottoms of staff and customers alike. You can also tell Santa if you have been naughty or nice, but beware if you say naughty you won’t be sitting on his knee, you will be put over it.
There is also a nice caning game update in “The games Room” story too. Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. I will be working on dome new art this week so look out for it Wet Smacked Bottoms, coming soon
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